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The Way She Reads

My thoughts on everything I read; good, bad and indifferent.


A Bond of Truth - K.C. Wells

This book was such a delight to read. It had the perfect combination of sweet romance, hot scenes, relationship angst, and suspense to keep me fully entranced and eager to keep on reading.


The three men in this story all managed to seduce me as individuals as well as part of their triad. Prince Arrio was such a charming combination of cocky certainty and virginal insecurity he made me smile. Prince Kei on the other hand is mostly an innocent, having been raised in almost complete seclusion. If it wasn’t for the visions he’s had for as long as he can remember, he would have been completely unprepared for what he encounters. As for Dainon, he was my favourite and totally stole my heart. I loved the battles he fought with himself and his feelings. Having to overcome the grief he’d been holding close for long years was difficult enough for this man; coming to terms with the fact that he’s attracted to not one but two much younger men is almost too much for our warrior. But he wouldn’t be the man I came to adore if it hadn’t been for his courage in the face of circumstances he could never have predicted for himself.


I think what I loved most about this story was the equality between these three men despite their different backgrounds, upbringing, and expectations. They each had their moments of doubt and insecurity just as each of them had opportunities to shine or take the forefront. And it is exactly because the power dynamic in their developing relationship wasn’t a foregone conclusion or even something set in stone I fully believed in the bond they were forming together. They complimented each other in the best possible way to ultimately form a perfect union together.


It was a pure joy to get another glimpse at (now King) Tanish and his husbands Feyar and Sorran and to see them still going strong, still deeply in love and all three equally invested in the life and happiness of their adopted son Arrio. However, while I would certainly recommend you read A Bond of Three before reading A Bond of Truth, I don’t think it is actually necessary. This second book can be read and fully enjoyed as a stand-alone.


It won’t surprise anybody when I say that this story contained quite a few extremely hot scenes. The fact that these three men are all experiencing everything they do together for the first time only set the temperature soaring even higher. But, none of it would be as memorable as it is if it wasn’t for K.C. Well’s talent to perfectly combine heat with tender sweetness. Many a happy sigh escaped my lips while reading this book.


Finally I have to say that while I fell head over heels for the two triads in this series, I have fallen for the world they live in just and hard. I can only hope the author will decide to visit Teruna again in the not too distant future. Surely there’s another triad to establish?