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The Way She Reads

My thoughts on everything I read; good, bad and indifferent.


Teach Me (Lightning Tales Book 1) - K.C. Wells, Meredith Russell

What can I say? I don’t think K.C. Wells is capable of writing a boring sentence, never mind a less than gripping story, and Teach Me was no exception to that rule.

Teach Me is a charming story and full of surprises. I got completely caught up in Nick and Alex’s stories. Both men have been through a personal hell when the story starts, both men have had a crush on each other for years, and neither man has the confidence to verbalise the attraction or act on it.


It was wonderful to read a story in which the two main characters take the time to really get to know each other before the relationship starts. Life stories and secrets are gradually revealed as they grow closer. I liked that I never had the feeling they were circling each other. They both needed time to get to grips with their lives while the attraction grew stronger. By the time Nick and Alex do come together there’s no doubt in their or in the reader’s mind that’s where they should be.


Like I said, this book holds a few surprises. The title might suggest one thing; the story may well give you another. And the same is true for the characters and their role in the developing relationship.

While Teach Me deals with real and difficult issues it was overall a delightful and uplifting read. I adored the gentleness of this story and the characters in it. And, as always, I lost myself in K.C. Wells’s writing from the very first sentence. I can’t put my finger on why it happens, but this author always manages to draw me in and hold me captive with her words.